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Travel news

Want to know the latest news about Australia? We’ve got it covered.

We guarantee the most up-to-date new stories about everything relating to travelling to and around Australia, which are written by local and international reporters exclusively for you.

Travel to Australia

24 April 2020 In: Travel, Migration, Health, General

Travel to Australia could be halted for at least the next four months, the government says. Planes could be grounded until August in a bid to beat the spread of Coronavirus, according to government plans to create a ‘COVID-safe economy’. Travel bans could be lifted in New Zealand where restrictions look set to be relaxed in three weeks time. Across Australia the national death toll has reached 76 following the death of another elderly resident…

Backpackers Welcome In Australia

21 April 2020 In: Travel, Jobs, Economy, General

Backpackers are welcome In Australia despite the current coronavirus emergency. Backpackers are a key part of the Australian economy, providing vital casual labour on farms and retail outlets across the country. They also generate more than $3 Billion a year for the government. “Australia would be a poorer country without backpackers,” says Darrell Todd of thinkingaustralia.com. “They are a vital component of the economy The Australian Government is offering backpackers a further 18 months to…

Coronavirus Cases Fall

13 April 2020 In: Travel, Health, General

Coronavirus Cases in Australia have shown a big fall, especially in high-density states NSW and Victoria. There were a total of 6,360 cases in Australia and 61 deaths in past 24 hours. More than half of the Australians diagnosed with COVID-19 have since recovered and growth in new cases is now below two per cent per day The chart shows the number of new cases across Australia since March 8. NSW (red) and Victoria (yellow)…

Australia border closures

07 April 2020 In: Travel, General

Australia border closures came into effect on 20 March. Now, only Australian citizens, residents and immediate family members can travel to and enter Australia. All travellers to Australia are required to self-isolate for 14 days, either at home or in a hotel. Australia border closures, like travel restrictions, are subject to change. For full details of Australian Government advice, go to: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-travellers Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for travellers https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/news-media/current-alerts/novel-coronavirus Check out our news page for daily…

Qantas Non-Stop to London

05 April 2020 In: Travel, Migration, General

Qantas has struck a deal to launch non-stop flights from Australia to London and New York. Qantas says it has agreed a deal with pilots to enable the flights – the longest in the world – once the current coronavirus emergency subsides. Qantas’ international pilot group has voted in favour of a new pay deal that will cover proposed non-stop services to London and New York after the airline threatened to bring in outside pilots…

Work in Australia

03 April 2020 In: Travel, Jobs, General

Work in Australia: International visitors on working visas to Australia will have to self-isolate for 14 days before moving to rural and regional areas for jobs such as fruit picking. The federal government launched a new website that lists all available jobs across Australia in a bid to help those recently laid off. Go To: https://jobactive.gov.au/ Economists warned that more than 600,000 Australians could be laid off work over the next three months, with the…

Coronavirus vaccine ‘within months’

01 April 2020 In: Travel, Jobs, Migration, General

Coronavirus vaccine tests are due to start soon. Human testing of a coronavirus vaccine could start by September. Drug maker Johnson & Johnson says it aims to make a vaccine ready for use in early 2021. Global efforts are underway to develop a vaccine for the virus that has killed almost 35,000 worldwide, but it could take a year to have a vaccine ready. A patient was dosed with Moderna Inc’s vaccine in an early-stage…

Visa holders in Australia

31 March 2020 In: Travel, Jobs, Migration, General

Visa for Australia: Visa holders in Australia must apply for a new visa before your current visa expires. You may be eligible to be granted a bridging visa that will keep you lawful until a decision is made on your visa application. Click link to see what you need to do to stay longer. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/visa-about-to-expire/stay-longer No further stay condition (includes 8503, 8534 and 8535) – This means you can’t apply for most other visas until…

COVID-19 Advice for travellers

27 March 2020 In: Travel, Migration, General

COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve. Where travel is essential, travellers should follow sensible guidance to prepare for their trip and reduce risk of exposure to COVID-19 while this outbreak is ongoing: Be aware of, and keep up to date with the latest official advice offered by the country you are departing from or travelling to during this COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has led to unprecedented international border closures and other restrictions. All countries may restrict…

Aussie Entry Restrictions

26 March 2020 In: Travel, Jobs, Migration, General

Aussie Entry Restrictions are in place that will affect those seeking to enter Australia. Many countries and territories, including Australia, have introduced screening measures including temperature checks, health/travel questions, quarantine and entry restrictions at border crossings and transport hubs. If you have recently been in a country affected by the virus you may need to be quarantined, or you may not be allowed to enter or travel through a third country. If you decide to…

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