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Retirement Migration

Are you over 55 and thinking about living in Australia for some of your golden years?

Retired business and professional people can spend some of their retirement years here as part of Australia’s temporary residence program. You just need significant assets and a willingness to invest in Australia.

Check out the visa information below or complete a free assessment through our dedicated 24/7 helpline for a full report on your eligibility to move to Australia. Our experts are waiting to talk to you.

want to move down under as part of your retirement? contact our Australian experts for free advice

australian investor retirement visa – subclass 405

how to qualify

You could qualify for the temporary Investor Retirement visa – subclass 405 if you:

  • Are aged 55 years or older
  • Don’t have any dependents other than a partner, who can be included on your application
  • Hold comprehensive health insurance during your stay in Australia
  • Have significant monetary assets, which includes being able to support yourself while you’re here
  • Can make a significant financial investment within Australia

Find out if you’re eligible by completing our free assessment through our dedicated 24/7 helpline. Our Australian experts would love to help you achieve your retirement dream and move to Australia.

what you can do on this visa

This temporary visa lets you:

  • Spend up to 40 hours per fortnight working in Australia
  • Live here for four years from the date your visa is granted (at which point you’ll need another visa)
  • Bring your partner to Australia

thinking australia? ask the experts!

If you’re over the age of 55 see if you’re eligible by completing our free assessment through our dedicated 24/7 helpline.

Australian migration regulations are complex and meeting their requirements can be very demanding but you’re in luck: we really know our stuff.

That’s why we’ve got a team of migration consultants who’re ready to help you get your application right the first time, so you don’t waste time and money having to reapply.

What are you waiting for? Take our free assessment!

tell me more about australian retirement migration

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