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Renting Property

It’s really important that you plan your arrival Down Under smartly.

We’ve found that booking accommodation for when you first arrive in Australia and then renting in the short term will be the best option for you until you get acclimatised and can make longer term plans.

To find out more, read on below or contact our team of property experts through our dedicated 24/7 helpline.

get free help making the move via our Australian experts

treat your arrival like a holiday

Treat your arrival as a holiday – book a central hotel or serviced apartment (even some of our caravan parks are 4 or 5 star!).

This will give you enough time to become grounded and familiar with your new surroundings without having to make big decisions that lock you into contracts and so on prematurely.

Two or three weeks in ‘holiday mode’ means you can scope out the best location for your new home that makes sense for you and your particular set of circumstances.

No contracts, no bonds, no utilities, no pressure to sign means no regrets.

renting rather than buying

Renting means you have the opportunity to get a real feel for the location and the surrounding suburbs before making a big commitment to buying.

The property choices in Australia are endless so there’s no rush.

Even better, find a short-term lease where possible so you keep your options open while you acclimatise to your new life and consider the best suburb for you.

Best of all, you won’t have to worry about maintenance, repair, rates and other fees while you’re figuring things out, or perhaps you’ll decide you’d prefer to rent longer term.

It’ll be one of the best investments of your arrival, we promise.

Plus, if you’re not happy with your rental you can simply move on and find somewhere more appropriate for your needs.

thinking australia? talk to us!

It’s hard to know what you need from overseas but the more knowledge you’re armed with before you arrive, the better the choices you’ll make when you get here.

That’s where we step in.

We’ll make sure that agents are able to meet you on arrival, which means they’ll have time beforehand to seek out and provide you with options.

This may include locations make the most sense for you with your work, study and even family commitments – all before you even land on Australian soil.

Ask us through our dedicated 24/7 helpline: we’re here to assist you in every aspect of your move to Australia.

free advice from experts on renting Aussie property? yes please!

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