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Australian Arrival Checklist

Okay, so you’ve landed Down Under, followed your fellow passengers to the baggage collection area, picked up your luggage but now what do you do?

Do you turn left? Right? Catch a taxi? A bus?

We’re here to help! We offer a free service when you arrive so we can point you in the right direction. Contact our team of migration experts today through our dedicated 24/7 helpline to learn more.

There’s so much to think of, which is why we’ve also put together an arrival checklist as a starting point for you to find your way.

get free help making the move via our Australian experts

Congratulations, you’ve made a really positive decision for your future by moving to beautiful and prosperous Australia!

Now it’s important to consider all of the factors that will ensure your arrival is as smooth and seamless as possible.

For example, some people will be lucky enough to have friends or family at the gate while others will need to fend for themselves, which can be a daunting experience when you’re in a foreign country.

that’s where we come in

The below checklist offers a bit of a starting point for you to add your own items to – because that’s what lists are for, right?

Plus, we can meet you at the gate when you arrive as part of our free service that starts from the moment you arrive to as long as you stay.

So what are you waiting for? Contact our dedicated 24/7 helpline to find how you can have your very own welcome to Australia!

want to move here? contact our Australian experts for free advice

you’ve arrived

  • Airport shuttles: depending on where you’re staying when you first arrive they may offer transportation from the airport
  • Accommodation: head straight to your pre-booked accommodation (you’ll no doubt be jet-lagged and want to settle in)
  • Contact your family: let your loved ones know that you’ve arrived safely

local communications

  • Mobile phone: set up a pre-paid mobile phone account  (there’s no need to get a contracted one until you’re settled in)
  • Internet access: make sure internet access is included in your mobile phone plan

relax and explore

  • Room to breathe: explore your pressing needs, whether that’s a job, longer term accommodation or schooling
  • Get accustomed: it’s important that you give yourself time to settle in, relax, get localised and become familiar with your surroundings
  • Hire a car: this way you can explore even further, especially when it comes to your longer term needs
  • Enjoy a coffee: go to a cafe and take the time to read the newspapers, looking at the available jobs, property, cars and so on. Newspapers have everything you need and being a newcomer can be expensive so don’t forget to make notes!


It’s really important that you keep all of your documents in a safe place, including:

  • Identity documents: passports, birth certificates, marriage (and divorce) certificates
  • Employment documents: CV, qualifications, certifications, references
  • School documents: school reports and immunisation certificates
  • Financial documents: credit records, account and loan details, records of trusts and companies you’ve operated, investment details
  • Insurance documents: insurance policies and no claim bonus proof
  • Legal documents: wills and so on

finances and health

  • Tax file number: apply to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) for a tax file number
  • Bank account: open a bank account at a reputable bank that suits your needs
  • Medicare: if you’re eligible, register yourself and your family for a Medicare card, which gives you access to Australia’s public health system
  • Private health insurance: consider your private health insurance options and arrange membership if it’s appropriate for you

job seeking

  • CV: update your CV and include the phrase ‘seeking interview’, as well as your Australian contact details
  • Potential employers: make contact with potential employers and recruitment agencies to organise interviews
  • Newspapers and websites: check out the daily newspapers and website listings to see if new jobs are advertised in your ideal field

getting around

  • Car: if you need one, purchase a car (and don’t forget to organise registration and insurance)
  • Public transport: find out about local public transport, including timetables


  • Location, location, location: identify the areas that your job will most likely be centred in to help figure out the best places to look
  • Rent rather than buy: until you have your new life sorted it’s best to commit to shorter term accommodation like rentals
  • Avoid long-term contracts: even when renting, avoid longer term agreements as this may not end up being your final location

once you’ve found a home

  • Get connected: organise your utilities such as phone, power, internet and so on
  • Schools and childcare: if you’ve got kids, arrange to meet the people at their new school or childcare
  • Neighbours and locals: say hello to your new neighbours and find out about the recreational activities and so on in your local area

thinking australia? ask the experts!

Of course, you’ll probably have more questions that you’ll need help with so why not get in touch with our friendly Australian migration experts through our dedicated 24/7 helpline?

free advice on migrating to australia? yes please!

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