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How to get a Job in Australia

As well as our beautiful beaches and pristine nature reserves, Australia also has an excellent job market.

To find out how you can go about getting a job Down Under, watch the below video, read our tips and contact our dedicated 24/7 helpline for your free skills assessment.

looking for a job down under? contact our Australian experts for free advice

In the below video thinkingaustralia founder Darrell Todd talks about the things you need to consider when going about getting a job in Australia.

In short, the job market is great Down Under, which is why so many people flock to our shores.

However, there are things you can do to get ahead of the game and, depending on what type of job you’re after, you may need to meet certain requirements.

be prepared

If you can secure employment prior to arriving here that’s great but if not you should be as well prepared as possible prior to departure.

If it’s your intent to remain in Australia, depending on which visa you enter on you’ll have restrictions placed on your passport so it’s important from the get go to consult an agent (like the ones on our dedicated 24/7 helpline) and get advice on your options and the condition that may apply.

know your visa conditions

All Australian visas require migration approval and have special conditions that you must abide by.

For example, if you’re on a holiday visa you’re not allowed to work and if you wanted to convert to a work visa then you’d need to carefully consider your application.

Basically, be aware of the visa conditions that you enter into the country on – over 226,800 Working Holiday Visas were granted in 2014–15 but many didn’t remain in the country on upgraded visas because they didn’t understand the process and their options.

consult an expert

Many Australian job agencies offer a placement but first’s first: it’s important to consult a migration agent, like the ones who’re available through our dedicated 24/7 helpline. They’ll clarify your visa options and conditions.

You don’t want to waste your time with an application that’s going to fail, after all.

refine your cv

Once you’ve talked to a migration expert you can work on your CV to ensure that it meets any requirements for your skills area.

Plus, you can send us a copy of your CV for a free assessment through our dedicated 24/7 helpline.

the skilled occupation list and assessment

The Skilled Occupation List is exactly what it sounds like: a list of job types that the Australian government has approved for certain Australian visas.

If you’d like to know if your qualifications and experience mean you qualify to work Down Under then get in contact with our team of professionals, who’ll be able to give you a free skills assessment.

thinking australia? get in touch!

We offer a free, dedicated 24/7 helpline of experts who’re ready to talk to you about your dreams of finding a job in Australia.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch!

free advice on finding a job in australia? yes please!

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