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Migration news

Want to know the latest news about Australia? We’ve got it covered.

We guarantee the most up-to-date new stories about the challenges, opportunities and experiences relating to migration to Australia, which are written by local and international reporters exclusively for you.

Migration to Australia Update

12 June 2020 In: Study, Jobs, Migration, General

Migration to Australia continues and has seen an increase in qualified people arriving to live and work down under. The 2019 Characteristics of Recent Migrants Survey showed that migrants arriving in the last 10 years with a qualification, the majority (79 per cent) held a Bachelor degree or higher, with another 13 per cent holding an Advanced Diploma or Diploma level qualification. 1.9 million people in Australia were recent migrants or temporary residents according to…

Australia Migration & Study ‘still active’

04 June 2020 In: Migration, Economy, General

Australia Migration is still an active and on-going process despite COVID-19 restrictions and economic downturn. “Australia may have reported a period of recession but underlying economy remains healthy with migration and study still available and ongoing,” says Darrell Todd, CEO of ThinkingAustralia. “Most countries are now reporting record economic slowdown, Australia is not immune. But growth is set to return by the end of the year with a major economic bounce in 2021. “Now more…

Jobs in Australia April 2020

14 May 2020 In: Jobs, Migration, Economy, General

Jobs in Australia – Seasonally adjusted employment fell by 594,300 people between March and April, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Large changes were seen across all labour market indicators in April. “The large drop in employment did not translate into a similar sized rise in the number of unemployed people because around 489,800 people left the labour force”, stated Bjorn Jarvis, head of labour statistics at the ABS. Unemployment increased by 104,500 people…

Australia Property Market

06 May 2020 In: Migration, Property, General

Australia Property Market continued to increase in March but April figures may show a decline. The number of dwellings approved rose 1.3 per cent in March, in trend terms, according to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). “Private sector dwellings, excluding houses, which rose 2.8 per cent in trend terms, drove the rise. Private sector houses also rose 0.2 per cent,” said Daniel Rossi, Director of Construction Statistics at the ABS. “This…

Australia Visa Processing

05 May 2020 In: Study, Jobs, Migration, General

Australia Visa Processing has been impacted by the COVID-19 emergency. The Immigration Department is prioritising processing visa applications for those travellers in the exempt categories to support urgent travel. The government encourages applicants to apply online wherever possible, as these applications will be processed faster than those lodged on paper. You will not be able to apply for an ETA online while the travel restrictions are in place. Disruption of services Some services relating to…

Migration to Australia 2019

04 May 2020 In: Study, Migration, General

Migration to Australia remains top of a ‘wish-list’ for millions of people worldwide. More than 530,000 people arrived down under in 2019, succeeding in their dream of Migration to Australia. More than 7.5 million people living in Australia in 2019 were born overseas, with those born in England continuing to be the largest group, according to latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. ABS Director of Migration Statistics Jenny Dobak said new figures showed…

Australia Visa Information

01 May 2020 In: Study, Jobs, Migration, General

Australia Visa rules remain in place with some changes due to the coronavirus emergency. Strict travel restrictions are in place for certain countries due to COVID-19. You should not apply for any visa until you check and comply with the latest government information (below). If you don’t have a visa You can’t come to Australia until you have a visa. Apply for a visa and include proof (such as your marriage certificate, your birth certificate…

Australia Immigration ‘impacted’

29 April 2020 In: Migration, Family, General

Australia Immigration will be affected by the coronavirus emergency, the Treasury department says. Australia’s Treasury department says there is likely to be an impact on Australia immigration intake due to the pandemic but it is too early to says exactly what changes may result. Latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics highlight the importance of migration to the Australian economy. Through 2018-19, 537,800 overseas migrants arrived while a record 298,200 left. Australia immigration Almost…

Australia Border Closures

26 April 2020 In: Travel, Migration, Health, General

Australia Border Closures: Some states and territories in Australia have closed their borders to non-essential travel due to COVID-19. Here’s what you need to know. Each state or territory has its own entry requirements. The most up-to-date information about entry conditions, forms and requirements is on the government website of the state and territory you are travelling to. ACT Government There are currently no restrictions on cross-border movement between ACT and NSW, beyond those that…

Travel to Australia

24 April 2020 In: Travel, Migration, Health, General

Travel to Australia could be halted for at least the next four months, the government says. Planes could be grounded until August in a bid to beat the spread of Coronavirus, according to government plans to create a ‘COVID-safe economy’. Travel bans could be lifted in New Zealand where restrictions look set to be relaxed in three weeks time. Across Australia the national death toll has reached 76 following the death of another elderly resident…

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