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Jobs in Australia Update

12 June 2020 by News Desk

Jobs in Australia are still available for migrants seeking to live and work down under.

Until the COVID-19 emergency around 70 per cent of recent migrants and temporary residents were employed.

Migrants who had obtained Australian citizenship since arrival were more likely to be employed (76%) than migrants on a permanent visa (66%), or temporary residents (65%).

Of those employed, 77% of people with Australian citizenship and 75% on a permanent visa were employed full-time, compared with 48% of temporary residents.

Jobs in Australia

Overall, men were more likely to be employed full-time than women:

90% of employed male recent migrants were employed full-time compared with 63% of females

52% of employed male temporary residents were employed full-time compared with 40% of females

A higher proportion of recent migrants (70%) were employed, compared with people born in Australia (65%). They were also more likely to be employed full-time (76% vs 68%).

Jobs in Australia – Unemployment

While the overall unemployment rate was higher for recent migrants and temporary residents than for people born in Australia (5.9% vs 4.7%), it varied across the different migrant groups:

3.3% for migrants with Australian citizenship
4.8% for temporary residents
9.2% for migrants on a permanent visa

Female recent migrants and temporary residents had a higher unemployment rate than males (8.3% vs 3.9%).

Jobs in Australia – participation rate

The labour force participation rate was higher for recent migrants and temporary residents than for people born in Australia (72% vs 68%).

Overall, men had higher labour force participation rates than women:
92% for male recent migrants with Australian citizenship compared with 69% for females
83% for males on a permanent visa compared with 65% for females
77% for males on a temporary visa compared with 59% for females

In comparison, for men and women born in Australia, the labour force participation rates were 72% and 64%, respectively.

Jobs in Australia – Finding employment

Around 1 in 10 recent migrants who have had a job in Australia arrived with their first job arranged, whereas 44% spent up to three months looking for their first job.

Among recent migrants who have had a job since arrival, almost half (48%) received some form of help to find their first job, most commonly from friends or family (69%).

A third (33%) reported experiencing some difficulty finding their first job. The most common difficulties were:
Lack of Australian work experience or references (65%)
Lack of local contacts or networks (29%)
Language difficulties (25%)

Are you thinking about living and working in Australia? Contact us today – send us your CV, fill out our ‘helpline’ form and we will provide an express eligibility assessment free of charge.


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