Australia Visa Processing
05 May 2020 by News DeskAustralia Visa Processing has been impacted by the COVID-19 emergency. The Immigration Department is prioritising processing visa applications for those travellers in the exempt categories to support urgent travel.
The government encourages applicants to apply online wherever possible, as these applications will be processed faster than those lodged on paper.
You will not be able to apply for an ETA online while the travel restrictions are in place.
Disruption of services
Some services relating to the visa application process may be impacted by COVID-19 and a range of services we rely on are increasingly unavailable.
This includes overseas panel doctors (see below), English language testing facilities, biometric collection and paper application lodgement centres.
While these services are unavailable, many applicants cannot meet visa requirements. Applicants will be given additional time to complete checks and provide the requested information.
Visa medical appointments
Clients should be aware of disruptions to visa medical services, due to COVID-19.
My Health Declarations is temporarily suspended. The Health Requirement including the health examinations for your intended visa will be determined once your visa application has been lodged.
Goverbnment visa processing officers are aware of the disruptions. We will take the extended timeframes into account when considering your visa application.
You do not need to contact us if your visa medical appointment has been rescheduled.
If you have not yet lodged a visa application or have not been requested to undertake an immigration medical examination, there is no need to contact a visa medical services clinic in Australia or an overseas panel clinic at this time.
Student visas
You do not need a visa if you are overseas and studying online with an Australian education provider.
Education providers can issue a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and enrol students to study online.
Are you thinking about living and working in Australia? Contact us today – send us your CV, fill out our ‘helpline’ form and we will provide an express eligibility assessment free of charge.
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