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Work in Australia

30 June 2020 by News Desk

Work in Australia is waiting as thousands of workers are needed down under and the door is open for key staff.

There is huge demand for workers in a range of industries including health and medical, hospitality, logistics, engineering, travel, says Darrell Todd, founder of thinkingAustralia.

“I have companies down under desperate to employ mechanics, plumbers, healthcare professionals – it’s a long list.”

Contact us today to find out how you could live and work in Australia sooner than you might think.

While workers in many countries remain at home, Australia is getting back to business.

Work in Australia

Three in five Australians aged 18 years and over (61%) had a job working paid hours in mid-June.

This was the first time since early March that the estimated proportion of Australians who had a job working paid hours rose above 60%.

The proportion of people who reported they had a job but were not working paid hours steadily decreased from 7.6% in early April to 3.5% in mid-June, according to the ABS

Do you want to live and work in Australia? Contact us today – send us your CV, fill out our ‘helpline’ form and we will provide an express eligibility assessment free of charge.


Check out our news page for daily updates https://www.thinkingaustralia.com/news

For a range of official government information about Australia, visit https://www.Australia.gov.au

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