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Coronavirus Cases Fall

13 April 2020 by News Desk

Coronavirus Cases in Australia have shown a big fall, especially in high-density states NSW and Victoria.

There were a total of 6,360 cases in Australia and 61 deaths in past 24 hours.

More than half of the Australians diagnosed with COVID-19 have since recovered and growth in new cases is now below two per cent per day

The chart shows the number of new cases across Australia since March 8. NSW (red) and Victoria (yellow) account for most cases but both states have seen a big drop in the growth of new cases

Australians have been praised for staying at home during the Easter break with Health Minister Greg Hunt reporting that transport levels are 13 per cent down compared to this time last year.

Health Minister Hunt welcomed the drop in new cases but warned that steps out of the pandemic would be gradual.

Coronavirus Cases Fall

Government officials say that changes to social distancing measures could come as soon as the end of the month.

Plans for Australia’s sporting calendar to resume have been criticised after the NRL suggested the season could start again on May 28. Federal Sports Minister Richard Colberk said the date was “ambitious”.

The NSW Parliament is this week due to pass an emergency $440 million residential and commercial rent package designed to help renters who have lost at least 25% of their income or businesses whose revenue has fallen by at least 30%

Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham has encouraged Aussies to start planning domestic holidays, a move that suggests internal travel restrictions will be lifted before flights abroad were allowed

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