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Travel to Australia

25 April 2020 by News Desk

Travel to Australia is restricted. The country’s borders are closed. Only Australian citizens, residents and immediate family members can travel to Australia.

Australian Border Force liaison officers at overseas airports will work with airlines to identify anyone who should not board a flight to Australia.

Quarantine for arrivals

All travellers arriving in Australia by air or sea must be isolated in mandatory quarantine accommodation for 14 days from their arrival, with few exceptions. These requirements will be managed and enforced by state and territory governments with Australian Government support, including from the Australian Defence Force and Australian Border Force.

You will be quarantined in the city you arrive in for 14 days, even if you don’t normally live there or plan to travel elsewhere in Australia from there. Most quarantine accommodation is being managed by state and territory governments. They will:

Handle transport for travellers from their arrival point to their quarantine accommodation

Manage quarantine arrangements at the accommodation facility

To find out more about how quarantine works in your state or territory, or to ask about someone you know who has been quarantined, contact your state or territory government health department.


If you are on an international flight and show signs of an infectious disease:

The airline must report you to bio-security officers

Bio-security officers will assess you before you get off the plane

You may be isolated or referred to a hospital

If you are unwell on a flight, you will be identified and referred for assessment when you arrive at your destination.
Air and maritime crews

Air and maritime crews must continue to undertake the existing precautions. This means self-isolating in your accommodation when you enter Australia.

Cruise ships

On 15 March, the Government announced a temporary ban on the entry of cruise ships that have left a foreign port. Australian cruise ships that are currently in progress are permitted to dock in Australia.

Travel from Australia

There is a ban on all overseas travel, with few exceptions.

Travel within Australia

Australians must avoid all non-essential domestic travel. Social distancing is slowing the spread of coronavirus and it’s important that this continue at Easter. Australians should stay at home this Easter and not undertake holiday travel.

Seasonal workers planning on travelling between urban and regional areas need to self-isolate for 14 days when moving between areas to reduce the spread of coronavirus.

State and territory restrictions

States and territories can apply their own restrictions, including closing their state borders.

Remote area restrictions

The Australian Government is restricting travel to certain remote communities (designated areas). These restrictions aim to protect Community Elders and those already sick. Before you can enter a designated area, you must self-isolate for 14 days. If you are already in a designated area, stay there unless it is essential to leave for medical treatment.

We can all help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia.
To protect others you must:
Practise good hygiene
Practise social distancing
Follow the limits for public gatherings
Understand how to self-isolate if you need to

If you have a confirmed case, you must isolate yourself to stop the virus spreading to other people.
National Coronavirus Helpline. Call this line if you are seeking information on coronavirus. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (Australia) 1800 020 080

GP respiratory clinics

The Australian Government is establishing GP respiratory clinics around the country to assess people with fever, cough, a sore throat, or shortness of breath.

These are being rolled out gradually. If there is not one in your area yet visit your state or territory health department website for more information on fever clinics and other services.

Are you thinking about living and working in Australia? Contact us today – send us your CV, fill out our ‘helpline’ form and we will provide an express eligibility assessment free of charge.


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