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Record Surplus for Australia

02 September 2020 In: Finance, Economy, General

Australia’s current account surplus in seasonally adjusted terms increased $8.7 billion to $17.7 billion in the June quarter 2020, driven mainly by increased goods and services surplus, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Branko Vitas, Program Manager of the International Statistics Branch said: “The balance on goods and services surplus in the June quarter 2020 was $23.9 billion, a rise of $4.7 billion on the March quarter 2020 surplus of $19.1 billion. Exports of…

COVID-19 Cases Fall

01 September 2020 In: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Health, General

COVID-19 cases in Australia have fallen with fewer than 100 new cases recorded for the second consecutive day.  New South Wales had 13 new COVID-19 cases. There was 70 in Victoria, and two in Queensland. Deputy Chief Medical Officer Michael Kidd acknowledged the ‘dramatic’ fall in case totals with 771 in the past week compared to 1288 the week before, and 3645 in the two weeks prior to that. Professor Kidd said six million tests…

Young adults call capital cities home

28 August 2020 In: Migration, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart, Family

Adults aged 20 to 49 years accounted for just under half (45 per cent) of the population living in Australia’s capital cities in 2019, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Outside of the capitals, they made up just over a third (36 per cent). ABS Director of Demography Lauren Ford said this higher concentration of younger adults in Australia capital cities could be seen in all states and territories. “It was most evident in…

Jobs in South Australia

27 August 2020 In: Jobs, Adelaide, South Australia, General

Jobs in South Australia: Around 703,000 people in the Greater Adelaide region were employed at some point during the year, who worked across 965,700 jobs. The number of employed people increased by 1.0% over the past 12 months, and by 1.0% over the previous six years. The number of jobs reflected similar results (up 2.8% and 1.3%, respectively) in the Greater Adelaide region. Of the people employed, 599,900 people (85.3%) were single job holders, while…

Jobs in Victoria

26 August 2020 In: Jobs, Melbourne, Victoria, General

Jobs in Victoria: Around 2.6 million people in the Greater Melbourne region were employed at some point during the year, who worked across 3.7 million jobs. The number of employed people increased by 3.3% over the past 12 months, and increased by 9.7% over the previous six years. The number of jobs reflected similar results (up 5.1% and 12.4%, respectively) in the Greater Melbourne region. Of the people employed, 2.2 million people (84.4%) were single…

Jobs in New South Wales

25 August 2020 In: Jobs, Sydney, New South Wales, General

Jobs in New South Wales: Around 2,913,100 people in the Greater Sydney region were employed at some point during the year, who worked across 4,089,300 jobs. The number of employed people increased by 3.5% over the past 12 months, and increased by 9.4% over the previous six years. The number of jobs reflected similar results (up 5.1% and 12.8%, respectively) in the Greater Sydney region. Of the people employed, 2,477,000 people (85.0%) were single job…

Jobs in Queensland

24 August 2020 In: Jobs, Brisbane, Queensland, General

Jobs in Queensland: Around 1,341,500 people in the Greater Brisbane region were employed at some point during the year, who worked across 1,896,000 jobs. The number of employed people increased by 2.8% over the past 12 months, and increased by 6.1% over the previous six years. The number of jobs reflected similar results (up 3.8% and 6.9%, respectively) in the Greater Brisbane region. Of the people employed, 1,138,300 people (84.8%) were single job holders, while…

Jobs in Western Australia

23 August 2020 In: Jobs, Perth, Western Australia, General

Jobs in Western Australia: Around 1.2 million people in the Greater Perth region were employed at some point during the year, who worked across 1.7 million jobs. The number of employed people decreased by 0.9% over the past 12 months, but increased by 1.5% over the previous six years. The number of jobs reflected a slightly different results (up 0.5% and down 0.7%, respectively) in the Greater Perth region. Of the people employed, 978,100 people…

Jobs in Tasmania

22 August 2020 In: Jobs, Hobart, Tasmania, General

Jobs in Tasmania: Around 124,000 people in the Greater Hobart region were employed at some point during the year, who worked across 173,800 jobs. The number of employed people increased by 2.8% over the past 12 months, and increased by 4.1% over the previous six years. The number of jobs reflected similar results (up 4.1% and 6.1%, respectively) in the Greater Hobart region. Of the people employed, 103,100 people (83.2%) were single job holders, while…

Virus Vigilance Continues

22 August 2020 In: Migration, Health, General

Australia must maintain active vigilance in its nationwide bid to control the coronavirus.  “The virus continues to circulate in the community and vigilance must be maintained,” Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said “It’s a bit like a fire – we’ve got a few embers that are still smouldering and we want to find those embers and put them out totally so we do not have any community transmission “The threat of COVID will always…

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