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Work and holiday in Australia

26 December 2015 by News Desk

edu_students99Australia’s Working Holiday Maker Program, which includes the Working Holiday visa and the Work Holiday visa, allows you to travel and work in Australia for a total of 12 months and study in Australia for up to 4 months.

There are many advantages to an Australian working holiday. Here are just some of them:

You can work, travel and study – get the most out of your trip to Australia. There are many language programs specifically targeted towards working holiday makers.

You can take on technical training and attain job skills. There are many short-term vocational and technical training courses offered at TAFE or Private VET Colleges.

For information about the Working Holiday Maker Program and how it works please visit the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.

To study in Australia you’ll need to apply for both admission to an institution and also for a student visa from the Australian Government.
There are a number of steps you must go through including:
Deciding on your preferred course and institution.
Submitting your application to the institution.
Receiving and accepting a Letter of Offer.
Receiving your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE).
Applying for your student visa.

There is a range of entry requirements that you will need to meet both for you institution application and your visa application. This can include:
Academic requirements.
English language requirements.
Evidence of funds to support your study.
Overseas student health cover.

If you’re already living or working in Australia, you may still be able to apply to study here as an international student.

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