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Tourist boom in Hobart

26 October 2015 by News Desk

travel_beach3The city of Hobart in Australia is in the midst of a tourism boom as officials race to cope with record numbers of visitors.

More than 8,000 new jobs are being created as developers rush to build a string of new hotels and resorts to meet growing demand from tourists. Visitor numbers are rising by around 20% a year and the government forecasts around 1.5 million people will visit Hobart in 2016. The rise in tourists and overnight visitors has fuelled a $500 million hotel building boom.

Six new major hotel developments are underway in Hobart with at least a further 12 planned for the South and East Coast. Total investment in new hotels will top $500 million over the next three to five years with each hotel costing around $30 million to build.

Deloitte Access Econo¬mics’ Tourism and Hotel Market Outlook for August described Tasmania as a “standout performer” with domestic visitor growth of 22% and international visitor growth a “remarkable” 28%.

Hotel occupancy rates in Hobart currently average 77% and reach 90% on Saturday nights. Advance bookings for 2017 will see occupancy levels reaching 81%.

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