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Million Dollar Fish in Darwin

26 October 2015 by News Desk

fishing01A lucky angler in Darwin, Australia, has won $10,000 for catching a single fish.

Local man Brendan Pringle caught a 58 cm barramundi fish to take top prize at a fishing contest, part of the government-sponsored Million Dollar Fish competition.

Pringle was the second person in a week to win $10,000 for catching the biggest fish of the day, but the $1 million top prize has yet to be claimed. The Million Dollar Fish competition is part of a major initiative by the Northern Territory Government to boost visitors to the state.

The NT Government is aiming to increase visitor numbers and build a $2.2 billion visitor economy by 2020.

“The Northern Territory is the best place in the world to stay, play and fish. We’re pleased to see the Million Dollar Fish competition is generating huge exposure for the Territory, especially now we have had two of the $10,000 fish caught in less than a week,” said Tony Mayell, CEO of Tourism NT

The Million Dollar Fish competition runs from 1 October 2015 to 29 February 2016. Participants must register online at www.milliondollarfish.com.au.

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