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Study tourism in Queensland

16 July 2015 by News Desk

edu_griffithbusinessschoolStudents seeking top qualifications in tourism and hotel management are being encouraged to consider studying at the Griffith Business School in Queensland.

The school’s Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management was awarded the prestigious title of Australia’s best tourism educator at the recent National Tourism Awards. It has also been inducted into the Queensland Tourism Hall of Fame, after winning the Tourism Education award three years in a row. The school has won this title nine times in just over a decade.

So why not study with the stars and join the ranks of in-demand Griffith tourism and hotel management graduates? Even when international tourism is down, Australia’s tourism industry continues to grow, and you’ll be in a perfect position to reap the rewards.

You’ll have an internationally-recognised and accredited degree, the best available industry contacts and experience, top management skills and a thorough understanding of the culture, service and competitive aspects of the industry. It’s just some of the things that make our tourism and hotel management degrees the best.

Other subjects offered at Griffith Business School include: Business and government; Criminology and law; Education; Engineering and IT; Environment, planning and architecture; Health; Humanities and languages; Music; Science and aviation; Visual and creative arts.

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