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Study in Canberra

24 December 2015 by News Desk

edu_student2The New Year will see a new intake of students arriving in Canberra, Australia, to commence their study at the city’s institutions.

Students arriving by air between 1 and 12 February 2016 will be welcomed by the Study Canberra Student Welcome Desk in the Arrivals Hall at Canberra Airport.

Study Canberra Student Ambassadors and university representatives will be on hand to greet students, answer questions and point them in the right direction for transport connections. Some institutions provide transport services which usually need to be pre-booked in advance.

On arrival new students should grab a copy of the Insider Guide to Canberra to help navigate through their first few weeks in Canberra. The Guide is written by locals to provide an ‘insiders’ perspective of our city, including where to get the essentials and some of the hidden secrets around town to socialise and have fun.

The 2016 Guide will be available at the Study Canberra Student Welcome Desk at the Canberra Airport and on campus during Orientation Week from 8 to 12 February 2016. Downloadable copies will also be available directly from the Insider Guides website

For new international students Canberra, ‘Create your Future’ is a helpful ACT Government resource providing a range of useful information for people making the move to Canberra. Study in Australia also provides detailed information about making the move to Australia, including pre-departure and arrival information and checklists, as well as general information on visas, cost of living, health, insurance and more.

Each institution will provide newly commencing students with a broad range of information including advice on accommodation and other campus-specific material, with services and support available for new international arrivals. Canberra is fortunate to have more on campus accommodation, proportionally, than any other Australian city, with the University of Canberra and the Australian National University both offering guaranteed on campus accommodation for first year students.

Attending Orientation Week (O’Week) from 8 to 12 February 2016 is a must for commencing students. Institutions develop tailored orientations to introduce new students to university life, meet staff and other students and have a whole lot of fun.

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