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Strong jobs growth in Australia

16 January 2016 by News Desk

jobs_sign1Job prospects in Australia remain strong with continuing growth in full-time employment.

Around 312,000 more people were employed in December 2015 than in December 2014. Full-time employment growth was stronger than part-time over the year, increasing by 186,600 people in 2015.

Over the past 12 months the number of people unemployed in Australia has fallen from 6.2% to 5.8%, according to the Australian of Bureau of Statistics.

Around 27,500 new jobs were created in December 2015, with the total number of people employed in Australia rising to 11,893,800.

The latest figures are above the monthly average over the past 20 years and continue the trend in strong employment growth that has been seen since December 2014.

The ABS seasonally adjusted monthly hours worked in all jobs was unchanged at 1,645.2 million hours, the ABS reported.

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