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Site Manager job in Melbourne

28 December 2015 by News Desk

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAn experienced site manager is required for construction projects in Melbourne, Australia.

The employer is a well-known builder having delivered a vast number of projects throughout their trading history in Victoria to time and standard. Project scope is diverse and includes apartment, commercial and industrial construction in the $6m – $25m range.

Financially secure, with a long standing and highly experienced team of senior management in place, this business can offer a Site Manager the chance to work on an iconic apartment project within the inner Melbourne suburbs.

Available to start immediately, within this role you will be expected to have:

Minimum of 5+ years experience as a construction Site Manager
Background delivering apartment, projects above $20M in Melbourne
Thorough understanding of the scope of work, contract and project time frames
Manage project programmes working closely with the Project Manager
Day to day coordination of staff, subcontractors and suppliers
Strong communication and team building skills
Commitment to site safety in accordance with WHS requirements
This role offers the chance to work for a genuinely expanding building contractor that takes prides consistently delivering quality projects to time and budget.

For more info go to: www.designandbuild.com.au

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