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Regions Top Property Lists

04 July 2020 by News Desk

Regional New South Wales has experienced the highest median house and values compared to other regional areas.

In regional New South Wales Average price of a house is $482,387 (a monthly rise of 0.4%)

In regional New South Wales average price of a unit (apartment) is $406,396 (a monthly rise of 0.6%)

Changes in regional NSW’s property market over April have been very similar to that of inner Sydney’s property market. Overall, house and unit values have risen by +0.4% to now sit at $469,250. Seen over the three-month period this represents an increase of +1.7%, and +2.2%.

There has been a +0.4% increase in house values and a +0.6% increase in unit values over April. The average house price sits at $482,387, and the average unit price sits at $406,396.

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