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Popular suburbs in Adelaide

10 January 2016 by News Desk

city_adelaide02Suburbs around the fringes of Adelaide city centre are set to become the new property hotspots in 2016.

The recent boom in apartment sales in the city centre – a 30% increase in 2015 – has created growing demand for properties in the inner-fringe suburbs.

Areas including Croydon, Broadview, Torrensville, Bowden and Brompton have become increasingly popular with average property prices rising steadily in recent years, in some cases by up to 23%.

The recent huge increase in construction of inner-city apartments is driving growth of suburbs around the fringes as families look for established communities and older character properties. Over the past three years, apartment building approvals have more than doubled from 1,695 in 2012 to 3,385 in 2015.

Properties under $400,000 can be found in:

Adelaide North – Parafield Gardens; Enfield; Kilburn; Greenacres; Para Hills.

Adelaide South – Seaview Downs; Daw Park; Sturt; Aldinga; Christies Beach.

Adelaide East – Paradise; Athelstone; Norwood; Payneham; Magill.

Adelaide West – Seaton; Croydon/Bowden/Brompton; Torrensville; Fulham; West Croydon.

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