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No rise in Brisbane house rents

12 October 2015 by News Desk

property_03The cost of renting a house or unit in Brisbane has not increased in the past 12 months.

Weekly rents in Australia’s third biggest capital city are currently around $400 (for houses) and $370 (for units) and have remained unchanged over the past year.

It’s a different story in Sydney, where rents are still rising and are now the highest in Australia. In the past three months average house rents in Sydney have risen by 1% to $530 per week. Over the past year house rents have increased by almost 4%. The cost of renting a unit has also risen, by 2%, to $510 per week and by a total of 3% since the same time last year.

In Melbourne, average house rents increased by 2.6% over the past 12 months and now stand at $390 per week, although there has been no increase in the past three months. Average cost of renting a unit in Sydney is currently $370 per week, a rise of 1.4% over the past year.

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