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Melbourne to overtake Sydney

18 August 2015 by News Desk

melbourneMelbourne is posed to overtake Sydney and become the largest city in Australia.

Latest population and economic trends point to Melbourne growing in size and becoming the new centre of gravity Down Under. Official figures – and reality on the ground – show that Melbourne and wider Victoria are experiencing a major boom that will continue for years to come.

Current trends are borne out by the Australian Bureau of Statistics whose latest figures show demographic growth in Victoria and Western Australia while the cities of Sydney and Adelaide have experienced an increasing loss of people.

During the last financial year Sydney lost almost 15,000 people, the highest of any capital city, while Adelaide lost 3,000. Melbourne gained the most, its’ population growing by 4,000 last year, ahead of Brisbane and Perth.

Darrell Todd, CEO of thinkingaustralia, says: “Melbourne – my hometown – is booming. It’s a powerhouse of new property construction and continues to attract more and more people from abroad, from other parts of Australia and from other parts of Victoria”.

Sydney will be the first city in Australia to reach a population of five million but Melbourne is forecast to overtake Sydney as the country’s biggest city by 2056, by which time both Sydney and Melbourne will have populations of more than eight million people.

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