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Life Savers in Australia

04 December 2015 by News Desk

sport_life-savers1Surf Life Saving is the major water safety, drowning prevention and rescue authority in Australia.

The service creates a safe environment on Australia’s beaches and coastline through patrols, education and training, public safety campaigns and the promotion of health and fitness.

With 166,923 members and 311 affiliated surf life saving clubs, Surf Life Saving is the largest volunteer movement of its kind in Australia.

The majority of our services are provided by surf lifesavers who complete surf patrols voluntarily. We also operate the country’s largest lifeguard service, contracting to local government and other coastal land managers.

In the 2012-13 season our volunteer patrol members were involved in 8,048 rescues, while our paid lifeguards rescued 3,485 more, taking the total number of lives saved since 1907 to over 620,000.

Surf Life Saving is a not-for-profit movement that exists only through community donations, fundraising and corporate sponsorship. We are an active part of Australian local communities. Our movement prides itself on offering mate-ship, education, experience and in doing so gives back to the community.

For people young and old, Surf Life Saving inspires a positive and uniquely Australian attitude. Because every member, every club, the entire movement, embraces and promotes a ‘can do’ attitude to life. It protects life, it saves life and it promotes life.

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