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EU vote losers migrate to Australia

24 June 2016 by News Desk

The rise in Brits seeking to migrate to Australia has been fuelled by the vote for Britain to leave the EU.

migrate to AustraliaMigrate to Australia is now a top trend. Inbound inquiries to thinkingaustralia have surged in the past 24 hours as old and young alike seek information about living and working Down Under.

Over the past 12 months there has been a steady increase in the number of people asking about Australia but this has turned into a major surge in the past 24 hours.

“Of course not everyone in UK voted to leave the EU, and many who wanted to remain now want to leave Britain,” says Darrell Todd, founder of thinkingaustralia.

Internet search engines have seen a huge rise in the number of people seeking to emigrate with Australia, Ireland, France and Gibraltar among the most popular searched-for destinations.

“Here at thinkingaustralia we’ve seen a rise in enquiries about work and permanent residency from people wishing to migrate to Australia and around half of all enquiries have been by young people who want to leave UK,” says Darrell.

Brits want to migrate to Australia

The EU is Australia’s biggest source of foreign direct investment and is the country’s second largest trading partner after China. But while the UK EU vote has made headlines Down Under, many Aussies are more interested in the possibility of Australia leaving Britain.

“The referendum vote in Britain is bound to fuel calls by Australian Republicans for the country to be able to vote for its’ own independence,” says Darrell Todd.

Bookmakers and betting markets in Australia have taken a financial hit as many believed there was a 75 per cent chance the UK would vote to Remain.

“It’s good, for once, to see the punters winning,” says Darrell. “Bookmakers, like so many ‘experts’, got it wrong and ordinary people have gained the benefit.”

The Australian government, however, sees few benefits in Britain leaving the EU.

Alexander Downer, the Australian High Commissioner to UK, has warned that Australia’s £5 billion trade relationship with Britain will be undermined by uncertainty as a result of the leave vote. He said Australia ‘does not want to see shocks to the global economy at a time of fragility’.

Andrew Leigh, the Australian shadow assistant treasurer, said “For Australian companies that use Britain as an entry point to the EU the leave vote will generate disruption.”

The result of the UK EU vote is being watched with concern by many governments across Europe that fear a similar desire among their citizens to leave the EU.

Scotland and Wales voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU and they may now press for complete independence from the UK government in London.

UK justice secretary Michael Gove, a leading figure in the UK ‘Leave’ campaign, said: “I believe that the decisions which govern all our lives, the laws we must all obey and the taxes we must all pay should be decided by people we choose and who we can throw out if we want change. The public must have the right to change laws and Governments at election time.”

Darrell Todd says: “Being an Australian I am driven by a pioneering independent spirit and I truly believe that the UK, in seeking to forge its own destiny, now has the opportunity to put the ‘Great’ back into Britain.”

Want to live and work Down Under? Click here for expert help: Skilled Migration to Australia

Want to get a job Down Under? Click here for expert help: How to get a job in Australia

Click here for tourist information about Australia: Visit Australia

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