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Emigrate to Australia: Sydney transport

09 October 2016 by News Desk

Emigrate to Australia where Sydney is undergoing a transport revolution.

Emigrate to AustraliaEmigrate to Australia where billions of dollars are being spent to improve transport infrastructure across Sydney.

Whether travelling to work, attending school, picking up the week’s supplies from the supermarket or visiting family and friends – and whether driving, travelling by train, bus or ferry, walking or cycling – city residents rely on different transport services and infrastructure to get where they need to go.

Transport also plays a key role in shaping the future of the state by supporting the development of vibrant, liveable and sustainable cities and communities.

Four years ago the NSW Government released the Long Term Transport Master Plan – a blueprint for the future of transport in the state.

Since then Transport for NSW has been hard at work delivering infrastructure projects to transform the city network and improve the services that keep customers moving day in and day out.

Emigrate to Australia: Sydney

Never before have we seen so many large transport projects underway at one time, all designed to improve how people get around Sydney:

Sydney Metro – a new, modern railway system running from Sydney’s booming North West region under Sydney Harbour, through new underground stations in the CBD and beyond to the South West.

New Light Rail – expanding the public transport network to address Sydney and Parramatta CBD congestion and provide reliable turn up and go services for commuters.

A new B-Line bus service providing more frequent and reliable services for customers travelling between the Northern Beaches and the Sydney CBD.

A connected motorway network through WestConnex and NorthConnex to join up our motorway system and remove heavy vehicles from local roads.

A significant number of road upgrades to reduce traffic delays, manage congestion and improve travel times on major roads.

Together these projects will deliver a new era for Sydney. They will bring local benefits to communities from Bankstown to Palm Beach, Penrith to Bondi and everywhere in between.

But most importantly they will come together in one truly integrated transport system which makes it quicker and easier to get around, and sets Sydney up for generations to come.

A more integrated and effective transport system will ensure Tomorrow’s Sydney continues building its reputation as a strong, sustainable and liveable global city.

It’s a big program of work, bigger than anything the city or Australia has ever seen.

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