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Darwin motorists ‘pay too much’

25 August 2015 by News Desk

petrol-pump1A petrol price war in Australia has seen some drivers benefit from price falls but motorists in Darwin are paying more for their fuel.

Stiff competition between petrol companies has seen prices fall in some states since the start of this year when fuel companies were accused of profiteering. And recent falls in the wholesale price of petrol should mean costs should fall at the pump but these savings, in many cases, are not being passed on to drivers.

The wholesale price of unleaded petrol in Darwin fell 7¢ per litre to 121.7¢ over the last month but this cost-reduction has not been passed on to local motorists who are paying an average 133¢ per litre to top up their tanks.

Darwin is not the most expensive city for fuel. Brisbane drivers pay an average of 147.1¢ per litre while motorists in Hobart are paying 140.6¢ per litre for fuel.

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