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Commuter trains in Sydney

21 July 2015 by News Desk

travel-railway01Around 94% of commuter trains in Sydney ran on time last year and this year the train operator will spend $1.2bn to improve its’ services.

The best performing commuter line was the Inner West where almost 97% of train services arrived and departed on time. But some lines did not score so highly.

Latest figures show that last year around 10% of services on the line between Turella and Holsworthy failed to meet the timetable. On the Western line, from the CBD to Emu Plains and the branch line to Richmond, 8.6% of trains ran late in the 12 months to June 2015. Commuters on the East Hills suffered the most trains not turning up on time.

Delays caused by passenger illness have been reduced by 30% since the train company introduced paramedics at 14 of the busiest stations in the morning and afternoon peak periods.

Sydney Trains, who this year are investing a record $1.2bn in the rail network, has increased the number of peak services to 160,000 over the past 12 months. And despite late-running trains in some areas, the overall punctuality rate has improved to an average 94.3% against a target of 92% punctuality.

“Last year we ran more services than ever before so exceeding our performance target was a great result for our customers”, said Sydney Trains CEO Howard Collins.

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