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Canberra is ‘coolest small capital’

17 July 2015 by News Desk

canberra02Officials from the ACT Government have been promoting Canberra as the world’s most liveable city and coolest small capital during the Asia Pacific Cities Summit.

The summit in Brisbane, attended by over 1000 Mayors and city leaders from across the Asia Pacific region, focussed on four themes – global cities, digital cities, future cities and cities for people.

The ACT Government’s participation in the Summit included a trade stand in the ‘Market Square’, and provided Canberra, the Canberra Region and the business community with the opportunity to build and grow a relationship with over 1,000 key decision-makers and influencers of urbanisation from across the Asia Pacific.

The ACT Government’s attendance at the Summit played a key role in strengthening the profile and position of Canberra and the Canberra Region by promoting the variety of projects, initiatives and creative endeavours currently underway or planned for our city.

“Our involvement in the Summit demonstrated to government and business leaders from around the world that Canberra is a city of the future through our response to climate change, our vision for urban renewal, our dedication to being a smart, digital city, and our support of innovation and collaboration in our business community,” the government said in a statement.

The Chief Minister also participated in the Lord Mayors Panel Discussion, hosted by the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors, which provided an opportunity to talk about why cities matter, and a further opportunity to share some of our key projects including our urban renewal program and our leadership in taxation reform.

The Summit was a fantastic opportunity for Canberra to engage with key figures from Australia, throughout Asia and beyond, and ACT Government delegates were able to connect with leaders from the Asia Pacific to share strategies for being digital, global, liveable and future cities, so that we can all be more effective in the programs we deliver and services we provide.

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