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Australia Movie Industry Gets $400m Boost

18 July 2020 by News Desk

Australia movie industry has received a $400 cash boost thanks to a new scheme that aims to attract Hollywood producers to make moves down under.

The federal government has announced a new $400 million cash grants scheme to lure overseas film and television productions to Australia.

Hollywood producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Ron Howard have already expressed an interest Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.

The cash incentive is aimed at protecting more than 8,000 jobs in Australia’s film and related industries. The new cash incentive is due to last seven years.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison: “It’s extending a program we’ve been running very successfully for several years and making it even more generous than it has been.

Australia movie industry

“There’s a good opportunity, just not to do one film but to get big productions that are doing multiple series, both on television for streaming as well as the big movie productions, to get multiple films over many years.

Morrison’s new movie incentive has the support of other state premieres including South Australia Premier Marshall and Premier Palaszczuk,

“Gladys Berejiklian has always been keen on this scheme and so has Dan Andrews,” Morrison said.

“Eight thousand jobs is the bottom line. And it’s not just actors, it’s sparkies, it’s caterers, it’s the other suppliers. It’s water bottle providers to sets. It affects so many jobs”.

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