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Australia invests $6.2bn in ICT

22 May 2015 by News Desk

internetIT-based jobs in Australia will continue to grow over the next three years, boosted by over $6 billion in government ICT spending.

Government ICT spending is set to grow by 1.7% each year to A$6.2 billion by 2018. IT services represent the largest spending category valued at A$2.75 billion but the strongest 5-year growth is for software at 7.0%.

Darrell Todd, CEO of thinking australia, says: “Continuing levels of government investment will create jobs and boost demand for workers across a range of IT sectors”.

The kind of IT skills needed include experience of consolidation, cost savings and efficiency as well as analytics and mobility.

Australian State government organisations have placed their ICT strategies centrally within their service transformation roadmaps. However, their progress varies with Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales leading the race in terms of transformation maturity and strategic agility.

Smart City investments are developing also, although at a slower pace as compared to peer Asia/Pacific cities. These investments will be an increasingly important way to manage operational efficiencies while delivering improved service capability.

All State Government have taken big steps towards driving Cloud investments within their overall ICT stack over the last 12 months and cloud solutions are gaining momentum, with cloud-first policies in place for most States.

In addition, recent security breaches are placing pressure on Government bodies to enhance cyber and data security measures across all government and citizen datasets. This will continue to be a critical area of focus for government like all other customers/citizen-facing organizations that deal with customer data.

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