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$6.5m boost to Hobart marina

10 August 2015 by News Desk

hobart_sailboatA new multi million-dollar extension to Sandy Bay marina is set to boost the yachting industry in Hobart.

The city – famous for its’ Sydney-to-Hobart yacht race – will use the enlarged marina, used by the Derwent Sailing Squadron, to host a larger number of sailing events each summer. One in 17 people in Tasmania own a boat and one in nine have a boat licence, the highest percentage in Australia.

The existing marina is currently full with 135 yachts and the new development is set to double the marina’s capacity to 265 berths and it will now be able to host yachts up to 30m.

Local restaurants, shops and service providers are set to benefit from the development, while sailing fans will benefit from an increase in the number of events. Work has now started on the development project which is due to be completed in October.

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