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$50m for South Australia tourism

19 June 2015 by News Desk

travel_tourismThe Government of South Australia is to spend an extra $50 million over the next four years in a bid to boost tourism.

Tourism spending will increase in South Australia over the next four years as it looks to bid for more events and boost visitor numbers from around the world. The money will be spent on tourism marketing opportunities overseas and within Australia and will quadruple the amount of money the Government uses to secure conventions and major events such as the upcoming Liverpool match at the Adelaide Oval.

The Government plans to spend $14 million to encourage tourists and win events from China, India and South-East Asia, and has also targeted the UK, Europe, the US and New Zealand. The SA government will also spend $6 million on domestic marketing and $15 million on bidding for major events.

Darrell Todd, CEO of thinkingaustralia, says: “Visitors from China are the highest spending of all international visitors and tourism is important in order to increase employment in S.A.”

South Australia is aiming to attract 57,000 Chinese visitors each year by 2020 and is seeking to create an additional 10,000 tourism-related jobs. Total spending on tourism for the next four years will be over $266 million.

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