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Retail Turnover Rises

21 August 2020 by News Desk

Australian retail turnover rose 3.3 per cent in July 2020 according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Turnover rose 12.2 per cent when compared to July 2019.

“Retail turnover rose in all states and territories except Victoria in July. The rise across the rest of the country was driven by continued strength in household goods retailing, and the recovery in cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services, and clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing” said Ben James, Director of Quarterly Economy Wide Surveys.

“Victoria’s decline in retail turnover coincided with increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases, and the re-introduction of Stage 3 stay-at-home restrictions in July, impacting turnover.”

At the national level, household goods retailing led the monthly rises across the industries in July. Turnover in household goods was 30 per cent above the levels of July 2019, with sales of furniture, white goods and electrical items remaining high.

Retail Turnover Rises

Other retailing and department stores saw similar monthly rises to household goods in percentage terms.

Food retailing saw a rise of 1.2 per cent, with supermarket and grocery store turnover elevated in Victoria especially, with spikes in sales of non-perishable items evident in July.

Current prices

The seasonally adjusted estimate rose 3.3% ($993.7m) from June 2020 to July 2020.

Turnover rose 12.2% in July 2020 compared with July 2019, in seasonally adjusted terms. This compares to an average annual movement in the 2019-20 financial year of 2.9%.

There were increases across all industries in July, with Household goods retailing leading the rises. Household goods reported a continuation of high levels, with turnover 30% higher in July 2020 than in July 2019. Increased sales of larger items including furniture and white goods led to the rise this month.

Turnover continued to increase in Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing, and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services, following large falls in March and April 2020. Increases were reported in all states and territories, with the exception of Victoria.

Retail Turnover Rises

A spike in coronavirus cases in July impacted spending in Victoria. Sales in Victoria fell 2% from June 2020 to July 2020, and it is the only state to record a monthly fall.

Victorian turnover fell across Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing, Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services, and Department stores.

These falls were slightly offset by rises in Food retailing, as spending increased in Supermarkets.

Analysis of supermarket scanner data shows that Perishable goods rose 15.4%, Non-perishable goods rose 14.3%, and all other products rose 10.2%, in July 2020 compared with July 2019. Victoria recorded the largest through-the-year rises of Perishable goods (25.1%) and Non-perishable goods (22.9%).

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