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People under 30 work multiple jobs

18 August 2020 by News Desk

Australia Jobs: People under the age of 30 are the most likely to hold more than one job, according to new figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Around one in every four employed people under 30 were multiple job holders in 2016-17, and this was highest around the age of 19.

Overall, employed people worked a total number of 19.2 million jobs during 2016-17, an increase of 3.6 per cent over the previous 12 months and 6.4 per cent over the six years to 2016-17.

Around 15.6 per cent of people who worked in 2016-17 held more than one job at the same time.

Of these multiple job holders, 53.7 per cent were female compared with 46.3 per cent males and most lived in capital city regions (67.2 per cent).

“Around 26 per cent of multiple job holders worked all of their jobs in the same industry, which meant that 74 per cent worked across multiple industries,” said Bjorn Jarvis, Head of Labour Statistics at the ABS.

For those working across industries, the most common combinations of industries worked in were:

Health care & social assistance and Administrative & support services
Health care & social assistance and Education & training
Retail trade and Accommodation & food services

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