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No yearly rise in Australia jobless

07 August 2015 by News Desk

job_vacancy_01The number of people out of work in Australia is expected to remain unchanged this year, at 6.1% of the population.

Unemployment figures across the country for July vary from state to state, with a fall in the number of jobless workers in South Australia (7.9%) and a small rise in other states, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

6.4% of the working population in Western Australia were jobless in July while the figure in Queensland is 6.5% and Tasmania 6.6%. Only South Australia saw a fall in the number of jobless workers. But government officials expect a turnaround in conditions over coming months.

Employment Minister Gail Gago said: “Analysts all predict a slow fall in unemployment over the next 12 months. But we can’t afford to become complacent. We’ve got a lot of challenges still ahead”.

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