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Home rental costs in Australia

22 August 2015 by News Desk

australian-money001The cost of renting a house or an apartment in Australia has remained flat over the past 12 months.

Across the country average house rents remained flat at $408 per week while unit (apartment) rents rose 0.3% to $337 per week, according to latest research.

Sydney has the country’s highest rents having risen by 1.4% to $681 per week while unit rents rose 1.6% to $481. Rents in Darwin have fallen by 20.5% to $583 for houses and 15.2% to $472 for units.

Perth’s house rents fell 7.4% to $488, while units dropped 6.3% to $392. Rent costs for houses in Canberra rose 0.6% over the year to $478 while unit rents fell 0.3% to $372.

In Melbourne, rents for houses increased by 3.0% to $472 and units rose 2.0% to $364. In Brisbane rents increased 1.0% to $450 for houses and 1.4% to $372 for units.

Adelaide rents rose 2.5% to $364 for houses while units remained unchanged at $280. Rent for Hobart houses increased 3.9% to $320, while cost of renting units rose by 8.3% to $284, according to new figures from SQM Research

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