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Darwin rents fall 13%

08 February 2016 by News Desk

finance_cashIt is getting cheaper to rent a home in Australia, with properties in Darwin currently the most affordable.

Latest figures show weekly rents in Darwin fell by 13.4 per cent in January. And the trend is mirrored across other capital cities Australia.

In Perth, Western Australia, weekly rents have fallen by 8.6 per cent over the past five weeks.

And it is getting cheaper buy a home in the Northern Territory capital of Darwin where property prices have fallen by 2.5 per cent over the past 12 months.

The average price of a home in Darwin is currently $520,000 according to the latest figures from Core Logic RP Data.

Darrell Todd, CEO of thinkingaustralia, says: “The housing market in Australia is changing fast and this will impact anyone seeking to live and work down under.

“If you are thinking of buying or renting a home in Australia, call our FREE expert helpline to get impartial independent information about different types of property, good places to live and housing prices.”

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