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COVID-19 Lifestyle Changes

22 May 2020 by News Desk

COVID-19 Lifestyle Changes in Australia have seen more people turn into coach potatoes watching more TV and eating more snacks.

One in five Australians (22%) said ion the past 4 weeks they were eating more snack foods such as chips, lollies, and biscuits; and

Three in five Australians (58%) reported more time spent in front of their television, computer, phone, or other device.

COVID-19 Consumption habits

The survey asked respondents if their consumption of selected products had changed over the period early-April to early-May due to COVID-19, and if so, how it had changed. These include:

Fruit and vegetables;
Take-away or delivered meals;
Snack foods;
Alcohol; and Vitamins, minerals or other supplements.

One in five Australians (22%) said they were eating more snack foods such as chips, lollies, and biscuits.

A similar proportion of Australians reported an increase in alcohol consumption (14%) and fruit and vegetable consumption (13%), while one in ten (10%) reported taking more vitamins, minerals or other supplements.

The product category that experienced the largest decrease in consumption was take-away or delivered meals, with 29% of Australians reporting less frequent consumption over this period due to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Lifestyle Activities

The survey also asked respondents if their participation in certain activities had increased, decreased or stayed the same, as a way to cope with COVID-19 restrictions during the period early-April to early-May. These included:

Household chores;
Time with pets;
Exercise of other physical activity;
Online shopping/spending;
Personal screen time;
Hobbies; and
Cooking or baking

Changes to personal screen time was the most widely reported change, with three in five Australians (58%) increasing their participation in screen-based activities involving a television, computer, phone, or other device.

Other activities that many Australians increased their participation in during this period include:

Household chores, gardening, yard work, projects or renovations (41% increased their participation);
Hobbies e.g. art, craft, board games, puzzles, video games or reading (39% increased their participation); and
Cooking or baking (38% increased their participation) – including half of women (48%) and around a quarter of men (28%).

While roughly half of all Australians (54%) reported no change to their levels of participation in exercise or other physical activity, one in four (25%) increased their level of exercise or other physical activity, and one in five (20%) decreased their level of exercise or other physical activity.

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