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Coronavirus UK Impact

11 April 2020 by News Desk

Coronavirus UK impact has been significant with the UK businesses badly hit and thousands of staff currently not working.

Between 9 and 22 March 2020, 45% of businesses reported lower turnover than expected, according to the UK Office for National Statistics.

More than one-quarter (27%) of businesses said they were reducing staff levels in the short term, compared with 5% who were recruiting.

Meanwhile, 46% said they had encouraged their staff to work from home, in line with the government’s guidelines.

Coronavirus UK impact

The majority of businesses that trade internationally said that trade had been affected by COVID-19 (57% of importers and 59% of exporters).

O.N.S. data also covers online prices for high-demand products, including long-life food, household essentials and health products.

Between the weeks ending 22 March and 29 March, the price of these items increased by an average of 1.1%.
The price of toilet roll was more or less unchanged.

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