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Concern over Melbourne density

01 June 2015 by News Desk

property_towerHousing density in central Melbourne could soon be four times greater than Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York.

There is an ongoing boom in the construction of multi-storey apartment towers to meet the demands of a rising population. But the density of high-rise apartment towers currently being built in central Melbourne is four times the maximum density levels allowed in the world’s most overcrowded cities including Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York.

That’s the conclusion of a report by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia which investigates planning policies around the world. The Hodyl report sets out a range of policies for improving quality of Melbourne’s urban development, establishment of appropriate density control, as well as apartment standards and an enforceable tower separation rule.

The Victorian government has now launched its Better Apartments scheme to establish new design guidelines and minimum size requirements for apartments in the state,

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