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Cash To Buy Aussie First Home

09 July 2020 by News Desk

Australia property purchases are supported by generous cash grants from the government.

First-time buyers can get up to $65,000 when they buy a new home in Melbourne and many other Australian cities.

Government grants for first time buyers have seen Australia property developers offer highly attractive deals.

Metricon is offering $40K plus the ‘ first ‘ homebuyer grant $25K to deliver a total package of up to $65K.

Australia property deals

Developer Metricon says: “In addition to the $10,000 FHOG, the government is now offering a limited time $25,000 federal grant for all new builds across Victoria.

“This means you’ll have an additional $35,000 to boost your deposit and put towards your new home. With this record-breaking incentive and historically low interest rates, it’s never been easier to become a homeowner.

“Metricon already offers fantastic value for first homebuyers – and now you can get a $35k boost to add to your deposit.

“You can choose from a wide range of spacious home designs and have us source you land in prime locations. Plus, we can provide you with finance assistance, place you on a savings plan with your own savings coach to help you save and get you started with a low deposit if you don’t have the full 10% saved.

Are you thinking about property in Australia – for work, for migration or for investment purposes?

We have a team of local experts who cover all aspects of renting and buying Australia property, including specialist mortgage advisors and licensed estate agents. Find out more at: https://www.thinkingaustralia.com/property/

Are you thinking about living and working in Australia? Contact us today – send us your CV, fill out our ‘helpline’ form and we will provide an express eligibility assessment free of charge.


Check out our news page for daily updates https://www.thinkingaustralia.com/news

For a range of official government information about Australia, visit https://www.Australia.gov.au

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