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Canberra native nightlife

09 August 2016 by News Desk

Canberra native nightlife can be seen in all its glory at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary

Canberra native nightlifeCanberra native nightlife is open to all during August when animals and plants can be seen at their best.

“This August we are encouraging the public to join us for Tidbinbilla After Dark, the National Science Week Night Walk or the Woodlands Twilight Tour,” ACT Parks and Conservation Regional Manager, Brett McNamara said.

“After the sun sets, Canberra’s bush is a completely different experience from anything you can witness during the day.

Canberra native nightlife

At Tidbinbilla and Mulligans Flat come to life after dark. As we settle in for the night, a lot of our native nocturnal critters are out and about, ready for the day.

“Tidbinbilla after dark is an ongoing program that offers visitors the chance to witness the sights and sounds of Canberra’s bush at night including wallabies, koalas, possums, kangaroos, long-nosed potoroos and the elusive eastern bettong amidst the reserves distinctive bushlands.

“It will be held Saturday 6 and Saturday 20 August 2016 from 4.30 pm to 7 pm. Bookings are essential. The cost is $40 for adults, $30 for children between 7 and 12 years old and $125 for a family of four.

Canberra native nightlife

“Twilight Tours at Mulligans Flat run every Friday night. Our guests step back in time when they enter the Sanctuary, experiencing our woodlands like they were 100 years ago – before native animals like the eastern bettong, eastern quoll and bush stone-curlew disappeared from the landscape.

“On this tour you might be lucky enough to see a tiny sugar glider eating nectar on the top of a eucalyptus tree, eastern bettongs hopping and digging through the landscape or hear a bush stone-curlew calling in the night.

“To celebrate National Science Week we are running a special event. A night walk will be held on Thursday 18 August from 5.30 pm to 7.45 pm – when our ecologists will take you deep into the Sanctuary, sharing stories about their life as a scientist and sharing behind-the-scenes details of the conservation initiatives that have made it possible to bring back locally extinct species.”

Mulligans Flat is offering $20 tickets for the National Science Week night walk.

For the regular Woodlands twilight tour, made up of smaller groups, tickets are $49.50. Both are suitable for children aged 10 years and over.

Learn more about Canberra native nightlife – More information on other great activities during August are available at www.tidbinbilla.act.gov.au

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