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Canberra lights up night sky

25 September 2015 by News Desk

canberra_nightFestThe night sky above Canberra in Australia will be lit up this week with 100,000 lights during the annual Floriade NightFest.

During the spectacular week-long event Canberra’s Commonwealth Park will play host to a stunning night-time display of colour aimed at showing off the park’s famous flower beds with a range of innovative artistic illuminations.

Over 100,000 light bulbs, including 1,500 handmade lanterns have been installed across the park to transform the garden beds into a sea of lights. It’s taken a month to construct the displays.

A major feature of this year’s event is a giant mirrored flower surrounded by 48 searchlights in Narang Pool. Along with the light installations, Nightfest will also feature a host of entertainment events such as comedy acts, circus acts, UV Dance party and a silent disco (sounds good!) Around 35,000 visitors are expected to attend Nightfest this year.

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