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‘Boaties’ get CCTV in Perth

26 November 2015 by News Desk

sport_sailing1Officials in Perth have launched a major campaign to keep boat-owners safe on the city’s waterways.

A network of CCTV cameras is to be installed to keep watch on ‘Boaties’ and commercial vessels using Perth’s waterways. There are 100,000 registered recreational vessels (‘Boaties’) and 2,500 commercial vessels across the state and 212,000 people in West Australia hold a recreational skippers’ ticket.

Now the Department of Transport is seeking to install CCTV to provide 24-7 monitoring to ensure compliance with waterway rules and provide high resolution video images of boat and other vessels for identification.

The department has 14 compliance officers and three investigating officers in the Perth area, and the Government believes the CCTV cameras will help them to enforce the law.

Boating groups in Perth have welcomed the plan, saying that anything that encourages people to stick to the speed limits and respect others on the water was a good measure.

The network, costing over $300,000, will start with eight cameras, three fixed in the metropolitan and Peel regions and two mobile cameras for use in metro and regional areas.

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