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Australia’s top 10 baby names

08 May 2015 by News Desk

family_babyThe most popular names for male and female babies born in Australia have been revealed, based on official statistics.

Olivia is the most popular girls’ name with Charlotte second, while Oliver is the most popular boys’ name for the third year running. Even One Direction has left their mark on Australian newborns. The names Liam, Harry and Louis, who are three of the four members of the popular boy band, rose up the list to 11th from 14th, 27th from 28th and 71st from 74th, respectively.

Gender-specific names are back in fashion. Only one name in the top 100 appears on both the girls’ and boys’ list – Charlie (18th on the boys’ list and 74th on the girls’ list).

A number of girls’ names from the list can also be boys’ names, such as Harper, Jade and Mackenzie. Parents are also naming their daughters using popular boys’ names, such as Riley, Jayden, Tyler, Leo, Dylan, Hayden, Jordan, Luca, Ashton, Kai, Bailey and Alex
Parents are choosing longer, more flowing names for their daughters and shorter, more solid-sounding names for their sons.

Boys are almost three times as likely as girls to have a single-syllable name and girls are twice as likely to have three syllables in their names. A total of 9 girls’ names have 4 syllables in them (Amelia, Isabella, Elizabeth, Indiana, Ariana, Alexandra, Penelope, Victoria and Emilia) while only Alexander has 4 syllables in the boys’ top 100 list. The data was sourced from the Births, Deaths and Marriages offices of each state and territory around the country.

1. Oliver
2. William
3. Jack
4. Noah
5. Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson
6. Thomas
7. Lucas
8. James
9. Alex/Alexander
10. Ethan

1. Olivia
2. Charlotte
3. Mia
4. Ava
5. Amelia
6. Emily
7. Sofia/Sophia
8. Sophie
9. Chloe
10. Ruby

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