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Australian children drive new media

17 August 2016 by News Desk

Australian children are well connected with 86% online in the past month, a rise of 12%.

Australian childrenAustralian children have fully embraced social media, Facebook is still the number one platform for kids but children spend more time on Snapchat.

Almost a third of Snapchat users spend up to an hour and a half on the platform each day, compared to a quarter of Facebook users.

The social media usage increases dramatically with age – multiplying by five times as children grow from 7-9 years old to 13 years of age.

Parents have the most safety concerns for children with YouTube and Facebook, with kids’ TV channels the most trusted media. Australian children mostly watch TV with viewing up 8% on last year.

92% of Aussie children watched TV in the last month, a rise of 8% and with most tuning in to watch cartoons.

Australian children drive new media

Aussie kids prefer ads that feature comedy and characters, with Captain Risky (Budget Direct) the most liked ad for kids, followed by Unicorn Pooping (Squatty Potty) and McDonald’s.

Kids’ pocket money is up 7% on last year, to A$1.8 billion annually including gift money

“Even as children are creating their own online video content, and despite the popularity of social media, TV ads are still significantly more effective for reaching them,” said David Webb, Director of Research at Turner Asia Pacific.

“Regardless of the platform, relatable and humorous content generally cuts through and resonates with young audiences.”

Australian parents’ primary concern is their kids’ capacity to buy property in the future. Next is concern over their children’s ability to save money (56%), afford university tuition (50%) and support a family/kids of their own (46%), according to a new report by Cartoon Network.

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