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Australia ‘winning’ virus battle

29 April 2020 by News Desk

Australia is winning the coronavirus battle and has begun to lift restrictions.

Since the virus outbreak more than 75 million masks have arrived in Australia, more than 300 public respiratory clinics have opened and 530,000 tests have been conducted.

There are 111 Australians in hospital with coronavirus, 43 in intensive care and 27 on ventilators.

There were five new cases diagnosed in NSW yesterday, all from known sources. The national death toll is 88.

NSW social distancing restrictions will be relaxed from Friday, with two adults allowed to make a visit to someone in a home.

Australia job losses

Australia’s Treasury said that permanent job losses from the pandemic could not be avoided and predict that the unemployment rate could rise to 10 per cent by June.

Since mid-March, up to 25 per cent of jobs in the accommodation, food, arts and recreation sectors have been lost.

Almost half-a-million New Zealanders have returned to work. The country no longer has any undetected cases of COVID-19.

Kiwis celebrated the first day of eased restrictions by flocking to fast-food drive-thru’s

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