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Australia Universities in World Top Rankings

04 September 2020 by News Desk

Study in Australia – Nine of Australia’s 12 top-ranked universities have improved their position on the annual Times Higher Education rankings.

The University of Technology Sydney showed the most improvement, bolting 34 places to joint-160th, while Macquarie University nudged into the top 200 for the first time, at joint-195th.

The University of Melbourne remained the country’s highest ranked university at 31st on the table, which is regarded as the most influential in higher education and a key driver of overseas student enrolments.

The University of Sydney rose nine places to joint-51st, overtaking the Australian National University, at 59th.

While the Group of Eight universities consolidated their places, overall Australian success came from newer universities.

Study in Australia

The University of Technology Sydney was the highest ranked Australian university in terms of internationalisation, which factors in overseas students, academics and international research projects.

Acting vice-chancellor Professor Andrew Parfitt said UTS’ rise proved its growing global reputation as a significant research institution.

The improvements of Aussie Uni’s were said to demonstrate Australia’s “extraordinary success” in attracting international talent.

The University of Oxford remained the world’s top university for a fifth year and the US took eight of the top 10 spots.

China’s Tsinghua University became the first Asian university to make the top 20, while the number of Chinese institutions in the top 100 doubled, from three to six.

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