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Australia: Migration Advice

18 March 2016 by News Desk

Migration Advice: What’s involved in migration? Here is the experience of one family who are now living down under.

Migration AdviceRoy and Sasha Holmes and their kids Mia and Xara from Bridgend in Wales applied to migrate to Australia to give their kids a better life, so where did they start and what is their Migration Advice to others?

Migration Advice – Sasha: “We did a web search and looked at all the migration sites then checked with friends who’ve been through the process and they recommended thinkingaustralia.com.

“We had a two-hour meeting with the company who gave us the information we needed to get started then appointed our registered agent who handled our application.

“thinkingaustralia’s passion and enthusiasm has helped us enormously. If there’s been a problem, they’re always there at the end of a phone to help. We could not have done it on our own. Their experts gave us all the migration advice and help we needed.”

The next hurdle to negotiate is the amount of paperwork involved.

“People think migration is just about getting your visa, it isn’t”, says Roy Holmes. “There are many issues to address and the more you get into it, the more issues become apparent. It’s vital to work with experts who can give you the information you need”.

Sasha Holmes: “The biggest financial challenge and frustration we faced was waiting to sell our house. It’s the last piece of the jigsaw and it was taking forever.”

Roy and Sasha Holmes have been granted a visa, have now sold their house and are now living Down Under.

Migration Tips

1) Visit Australia, if possible, before deciding to migrate. As good as it is it may not suit everybody.

2) Work with professional agents for help and support.

3) Get organised. Keep all your migration papers and official details in clearly marked folders or files for quick and easy reference.

4) Be prepared for knock-backs. Most applications run smoothly but your circumstances, or failure to complete paperwork properly, could cause delays.

5) Be Honest. Don’t try to hide past financial or personal problems. If you’ve something to hide, the authorities will find out.

6) Plan in advance. Wherever possible, arrange as much as you can before you leave UK.

7) Be Realistic. You’re migrating to start a new life, so don’t take any existing problems with you. Above all, be flexible: you will need to adapt quickly to a new country and a new culture.

Want to Migrate to Australia? Click here for more info: Migrate to Australia

Click here for tourist info about Australia: Visit Down Under

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